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A Goodbye Letter to My Drug Addiction

goodbye letter to addiction

It all started with me writing that letter to my addiction. When I finished it, I felt a tremendous weight lifted from my shoulders. Dear addiction, I never thought in a million years that I would be writing this letter. I gave up almost everything in my life to be with you. Yes, in the beginning, there were happy moments. I had a lot of fun, but that fun slowly turned into my worst nightmare.

Dear Addiction: A Final Farewell

I admit that in the beginning, you did offer me comfort and escape. You were even fun to be around, especially when we’d party. But our relationship has taken letter to my addiction a toll. You’ve affected my health and safety. You have strained my relationships, especially with my husband (or wife), parents, and children.

The Short Letter That Can Change Your Entire Life

Pick a drug that people abuse, and the chances are high that some lasting form of emotional scar is attached… I have been scared to let you go, but I realize now I will be leaving the worst of myself behind, and beginning a new chapter. At this point, I will make it my number one priority to keep you away.

Find Help At Ingrained Recovery

goodbye letter to addiction

For me, the most impactful part of treatment was writing a Dear John letter (aka a goodbye letter) to my drug addiction. Get in touch with Multi Concept Recovery today to learn more about how our program can help you find long-term healing from substance abuse & mental health. Now the patient realizes there are better ways to get relief for any underlying condition besides the substance they’re addicted to. Or maybe there is no underlying condition.

A Goodbye Letter to Addiction

How much more do I have to lose before I’m willing to leave you for good? No, I am making the decision to leave you now. I am deciding that I have had enough of you.

goodbye letter to addiction

Writing a Goodbye Letter to Alcohol: Example and Worksheet

goodbye letter to addiction

You are no longer welcome in my life. No longer will you trample through my peaceful mind. As I write this, it feels like I am placing blame on external factors. I was the one that decided to have that first drink. I was the one that took that first snort of cocaine.

  • By writing the goodbye letter, they can clarify what causes their addiction.
  • I hit some of the lowest points in my life, and I now realize that I am worth more.
  • We have helped many quit drinking or using drugs.
  • But we understand it isn’t easy to write, particularly in the early going.
  • You don’t stop when we try to take our own lives, because it seemed that suicide was the only solution to this never-ending insanity.

It has become clear that everything is not okay. In order for things to get better, I need to let you go. If you or someone you care about is seeking support for substance abuse and addiction challenges, we are here to offer our assistance. This is where your journey towards healing begins. Sometimes addiction occurs through people being completely irresponsible.

  • And with some addictive substances, the message of whether drugs are good or bad is increasingly confusing.
  • After completing the goodbye letter, encourage clients to share it with a trusted friend or family member.
  • The next part of the letter is where you will express your commitment to change from a place of addiction and chaos into a new, sober lifestyle.
  • It’s like being in the most challenging relationship one could ever imagine, where the looming presence of pain and turmoil constantly blocks happiness.
  • Don’t invite them to pop in and visit after you heal.

Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction: An Example

I stopped frequenting the liquor store you always hung around in. I cleaned my apartment and redecorated to remove all traces of you from my life. I started a new job, got a girlfriend, and started to forget you. After a while, you started to tell me that I didn’t need anyone else. I should abandon my friends, shut out my family.

Express Your Determination to Get Support

If you do just a little bit of research, you will find that there are many options when it comes to recovery. Any time I had a moment of clarity and entertained the idea of recovery, you talked me out of it. You controlled everything, and it was for your own self-preservation.

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